Friday, January 23, 2009

where my lists came from

The group (at swap-bot) founder linked us to the place she was inspired from. Another blog entry from November of 2007.
Exerpts from Luciano Passuello:
The List of 100 is a powerful technique you can use to generate ideas, clarify your thoughts, uncover hidden problems or get solutions to any specific questions you’re interested in.
The technique is very simple in principle: state your issue or question in the top of a blank sheet of paper and come up with a list of one hundred answers or solutions about it.
Although I have known a variation of the List of 100 technique for several years (thanks to Michael Gelb’s How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci), it was only recently that I realized the technique’s full potential by reading Kathleen Adams’s Journal to the Self: 22 Paths to Personal Growth. This is an excellent book that has many great journaling techniques — and the List of 100 has its own chapter.

So you see insparation comes from insparation (and that in turn inspired me)

I however do not perform the "listing" properly. You see I can never follow the two rules...
1: Do it at one sitting
2: Eliminate distractions

You see I am a SAHM of a little girl that will be 2 in May. There is hardly time to get anything done in one sitting. When she naps (a 45 minute thing now) in the morning, that is time to go down & start the laundry and to get the dishwasher going.
I might be able to convince my mind to let go before bed - I will try some of the at once idea as I can. Until then I will continue to carry my notebook & think about my list all the time... jotting down entries as the pop into my head.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

another place in cyber space

I am creating this one solely to make a separate place to list my lists.

I participate in the "Lists of 100" group at Swap-Bot. I have copies of my past lists and then new ones will be posted as they are swapped.

I WILL NOT gurantee that 100% of the items on any given list will be posted - some items might end up being listed as "PRIVATE" or something close to it.

Happy reading!
